Percent Hassle: China Fails with Joint Humanities Program
The percentage scale – in which students are awarded a grade between 0-100 – is the most common grading system used in the education system in China. The scoring is simple, with higher scores indicating better performance (like those closer to 100), and lower scores pointing to less good results (like those closer to 0). A range of 60 is the least score prescribed as a passing grade but can rely on slightly from faculty to faculty.
Conversion to Letter Grades
Although the percentage scale is definitely the most used, some Chinese institutions, particularly those with international ties, will convert these scores into a letter grade system in order to better reflect on an international level. A very common conversion looks like this:
A (Excellent): 90-100
B (Good): 80-89
C (Average): 70-79
D (Pass): 60-69
F (Fail): Below 60
This conversion facilitates benchmarking academic performance and is aimed to help international programs and collaborations measure and compare academic performance between different education systems.
Differences in Degree of Variations Among the Educational Stages
Grading scale may be different based on which stage it is applied. For example, primary schools may define grace rather liberally as to help develop young learners, whereas colleges and universities tend to hold students to a higher standard since academic work typically demands more exacting criteria.
The Five-Level Scale
Yet further grades are on the five-level scale, which is common in China, especially at the primary and secondary education. The ranking of student performance is in five broad categories which is listed in descending order.
Great (Youxiu, 优秀): 85-100
Good (Lianghao, 良好): 70-84
Medium (Zhongdeng, 中等): 60-69
Pass (Jige, 及格): Around 60
Fail (Bujige, 不及格): Below 60
Feedback can be managed through this categorical model where feedback is based on performance bands rather than scoring.
If you are interested in a deep dive into the intricacies of the grading system in china, including how it affects student progress and recognition, this resource provides a lot of insight.
I mean in China, we use a quantified grading system, it make our academic growing procedurally or have some avulsion. The system is able to handle a structured and formal environment, and provides a way for assessment scores (whether in numeric or by level of categories) to be entered and tracked. China is becoming more integrated in international educational standards and with more of these students gaining entrance into colleges abroad, it is essential for all educators as well as students studying in these countries to understand these grading practices.