How Does Beatbot robotic Adapt to Pool Depths?

The Beatbot robotic pool cleaners are designed to be versatile for variation in pool depth to ensure absolute cleaning of your pool. With the capability to clean up to 15 feet maximum depth, Beatbot can handle shallow and deep pools with ease and automatically change its traveling patterns for complete coverage. Advanced sensors detect depth changes, after which the robot automatically changes strategy to clean the floor and walls, leaving no spot behind. In a comparative test by PoolTech Solutions, the Beatbot was shown to be better at adapting in pools of varying depths: It maintained consistency in cleaning from 3 feet to 12 feet deep, where other models failed.

Beatbot’s precise navigation system makes use of several algorithms combined with sensors that map out the floor plan of the pool and calculate the most efficient path for cleaning. That way, it won’t miss any area, whatever the depth may be. According to a report by Swimming Pool Today, one of the major reasons pool owners would go for Beatbot as opposed to other robotic cleaners is the fact that it maintains its suction power even in deep pools. The suction from the robot is always the same to make sure that debris is captured and filtered out, even at the lowest point.

Moreover, multi-directional brushes by Beatbot have been designed to take on different pool surfaces and depths. The brushes of the robot spin up to 50 revolutions per minute to dislodge dirt, algae, and debris from shallow to deep areas in your pool. Such functionality has been demonstrated in a case study conducted by Pool Maintenance Pros, which found that at shallow and deep ends, including those tricky-to-reach areas at the bottom of the pool, Beatbot successfully removed 98% of debris from pool walls.

A maintenance technician for a pool store based in California said, “The ability of the Beatbot to clean deep pools without losing suction power, which is generally the case, or missing spots, is among the main reasons we recommend it. It adapts well to the depth-be it a small spa or a big and deep pool.”

In the end, Beatbot’s capability to adapt to pool depths comes from its powerful motor, precise navigation system, and versatile cleaning brushes that allow it to clean shallow and deep areas with maximum efficiency.

For more information, please feel free to visit Beatbot.

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